Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Geothermal Energy Edge!

Renewable energy sector includes geothermal technology, which takes advantage of the earth's constant temperature and has been in use for many years. My colleagues and I are investing in the Southeast where the temperature of the earth below the ground stays at fairly constant sixty-seven (67) degrees year round, with a change in temperature, or delta T, of only plus or minus five (5) degrees.  Some advantages of Geothemal Energy includes the potential harness the constant earth temperature of 60 to 70 degrees and transfer heat from a closed-loop making heat exchange much more efficient than with a conventional air-to-air heat exchange coil. Consider the difference between taking outside air of 22 degrees and heating it to 73 degrees to make your house comfortable, and taking the water in a closed loop installation that is 60 degrees and heating it to 73 degrees. The heating system uses much less input energy to produce an output temperature of 73 degrees. In most residential applications, closed-loop systems can provide heating and cooling and produce as much as 80% off the hot water needed for the average home or business.

In geologically suitable areas, geothermal energy is currently cost competitive with conventional generation methods.

Geothermal power plants do have high initial costs to drill and construct new facilities. But relatively high construction costs are paid back because there are no fuel costs.

As shown in this Department of Energy Geothermal Report geothermal power costs are currently competitive with coal power plants, making them among the cheapest power providers around and getting cheaper with every project.

But current cost figures are based on projects that are located at the best geothermal sites.

The key to economically exploiting geothermal resources using current technologies is finding the best producing hydrothermal wells.

The following books are extremely helpful in further explaining the advantages of the Geothermal energy;

For more information on geothermal resources go to:
Department of Energy Geothermal Pages

Geothermal Education Office

Geothermal Resources Council

Wikipedia: Pros and Cons of Geothermal Energy

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Urban Technology data collection worthy options

Despite growing access to technology in urban communities, the power of tech-infused data collection to advocate for our communities is under-utilized. Here are some recommended books on surveys, evaluations, and other forms of data collection. The authors are opinionated and passionate about their subjects, thus making the material interesting and  fun to read. I’m going to buy one or two, and I’ll share highlights in upcoming blog posts.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A urbanite in need of peer approval to get investor!

Please visit Iceberg Slim - Don't Touch That Stereo to cast your review!
If peer review indicates an interest then a full album will be developed for distribution similar to the following material;

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Computer Game Design getting its long awaited respect!

It was 1981 when I advised my colleagues that the time would come when multimedia oriented application development would prevail as a degree worthy education. The technology has advanced, the demand has exploded and the higher education institutions are starting to hear the voices of the creative population. 

Visit George Mason University site ( and review the offering. If you need further convincing of the computer gaming revenue generating potential then read the following material and contact me for work opportunities when you are done.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Broadband Outreach in Washington D.C.

Clean Technology Showcase
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski & Secretary of Energy Steven Chu

Join FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu on May 18th as they host a clean technology showcase. A number of leading technology companies will be exhibiting their solutions for smarter grids and homes, as well as for sustainable information and communications technologies (ICT).

The technology showcase will highlight a key finding of the National Broadband Plan: broadband and communications infrastructure can play a transformative role in meeting our national energy and environmental goals, including energy independence, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and clean energy generation.

See first hand how next-generation ICT can enable a more reliable and secure electrical grid, improve the energy efficiency of buildings and homes, and support consumers in making more informed energy decisions. In addition, come see how ICT products are themselves becoming more energy efficient and sustainable, allowing the 21st century broadband economy to be built with a smaller environmental footprint.

WHAT Clean Technology Showcase
WHEN Tuesday, May 18th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT
WHERE Federal Communications Commission
Commission Meeting Room
445 12th St. SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

The showcase is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

Disclaimer: The products being displayed are examples of smart grid and home technologies, and sustainable information and communications technologies. The Federal Communications Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy do not specifically endorse any particular product or service.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A great mortgage lending industry diversity conference!

The May 5-7, 2010 Mortgage Lending Industry Strategic Markets and Diversity Conference, held at the Gaylord National Harbor was a great conference to attend. One of the host and sponsors was Compliance Technologies and their data-driven approach to share lending trends contributes to urban technologies development.  Based on my experience and the information provided by the speakers and exhibitors, I felt obligated to share more information about this organization an its positive approach to include everyone as part of the urban economic growth. Without homeownership diversity advocacy and compliance our society would be less democratic. Please read the material, visit the Compliance Technologies site and share your views and opinions. 

About Compliance Technologies

Founded in 1992, ComplianceTech provides specialized lending intelligence services to financial institutions nationwide. ComplianceTech is renowned for its expertise in identifying market opportunities; formulating lending benchmarks; and implementing emerging markets, CRA and fair lending best practices. Our team is multi-disciplined in areas of lending, research, statistical analysis, law and economics. What makes us unique is that we implement our multi-disciplinary approach by exploiting novel data-driven technologies. Our motto is "All Lenders are Not Alike." This says that we recognize that cookie cutter approaches to emerging markets; CRA; fair lending; and low/moderate income lending; are unlikely to work. We pride ourselves on taking the deep dive into the data to uncover specific lending opportunities, systemic operational impediments to success and hidden origination or compliance failure risks.

We’ve helped institutions of all sizes uncover opportunities, minimize risk and simplify compliance; and our passion and expertise in data analysis is renowned. Our flagship software product, LendingPatterns™, is regarded as the industry standard for data analysis – and combined with our consulting and outsourcing services delivers a superior advantage in the marketplace. Other products and services include Shamus®: The Fair Lending Risk Manager, the Racestimator™, and LMI and Minority Zip Code Opportunity Maps™.

Call us at 1-800-499-HMDA for more information.

Getting educated on the ethnic homeownership and pricing gaps.(Diversity): An article from: Mortgage Banking

A different kind of diversity. (diversity in mortgage lending)(Editorial)(Industry Overview): An article from: Mortgage Banking

CMBS deals show less diversity, higher leverage. (Commercial).(commercial mortgage-backed securities): An article from: Mortgage Banking
A diversity journey: in 2000, Irwin Mortgage Corporation, Indianapolis, embarked on an initiative to promote diversity in the company's work force and ... Trends): An article from: Mortgage Banking

Emerging markets: from public relations to practical remedies.(Diversity): An article from: Mortgage Banking

The emergence of 'neo-prime' lending.(Diversity)(Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975): An article from: Mortgage Banking

The ROI of diversity.(return on investment): An article from: Mortgage Banking
Managing diversity.(Cover Report: Fair Lending): An article from: Mortgage Banking

Diversity conference highlights critical business opportunities.(Briefing Book)(Conference news): An article from: Mortgage Banking

Accommodating diversity in the training environment. (Training).: An article from: Mortgage Banking

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nothing is really private if technology is used!

Any of the following devices could be used to breach your home security. Do you know if your personal information is safe? Can you be sure your banking account, email messages or your virtual activities are not being compromised?

KeyLlama 4MB USB Premier Keylogger
PS 2 Keyboard Logger KS4100
Keykatcher 64K mini - Keystroke recorder
New! Professional Mini Tracker Key
KJB Security KS4000 USB Key Logger
Spy Cable Key Logger

Post your comments, share your fears, and perhaps we can find a solution that can address them all!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

FCC unleashes a Broadband speed test tool

The need for urban technology speed seems to grow exponentially. Technology developments related to Broadband and Smart Grid mean speed is an ever more present and visible commodity.. Fortunately, the FCC is fueling an environment of transparency and openness that will allow more consumers to participant in these extremely profitable markets.

On March 11, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launched a broadband test service to help consumers measure the speed of their Internet. You can try this test out by visiting The beauty of the test will become apparent when you can compare your actual broadband speeds with the speeds publicized by providers such as Verizon, Comcast, Cox, and AT&T.

Before you question my reason for writing this article, please consider that officials attending a meeting held last September reported that consumers were charged full price for half the speed during peak hours. In other words, actual speeds were estimated to lag by as much as 50 percent during the providers’ alleged busy hours, yet consumers were charged a fixed monthly rate. Full Story

Capitalism and You!

Capitalism has changed for many reasons including the active development of broadband technologies and the growth of the online audience. In particular, online business simulations. There are many varieties of online business simulations - browser-based and downloadable, single-player and multiplayer, real-time and
turn-based. Among the most notable online business simulations such as Virtonomics, IndustryPlayerBusiness Tycoon online, and Informatist.

The included books, videos, and games are part of the challenge. The opportunity to use the concepts, practices, techniques or suggestions for Urban Technology Development are greatest due to the economic downturn. Contact me using comments, suggestions, or questions, if you are capable of competing at this level! In short, prove your capability in a virtual environment and receive funding to duplicate it in the physical environment.