Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What if "The Overton Window" by Glenn Beck is right.

Would urban technology attempts at equality be shattered?

In Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Washington Post, book critic Steven Levingston, was brave enough to share his review of the book - if you feel inclined to label the ranting as a book. Mr. Levingston's review was very impressive, and he basically described the plot and offered some strong interpretations of some of controversial quotes.

In UTE members opinion, the following extracts from the book warrants serious analysis;

 "ideology was just another interchangeable means to an end." - is this a threat to a certain population?

"the secret consent of the power elite" - will this population ever publicly identify themselves?

"to manipulate the public to welcome his ultimate coup — literally, the takeover of the nation, a "new beginning" - is this another attempt at the allege organic community?

 "one world, ruled by the wise and the fittest and the strong, with no naive illusions of equality or the squandered promises of freedom for all." - Does this imply Fascism? The type that requires strong leadership, singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong?

In summary, buy the book "The Overton Window here and UTE would apply all earnings to a education equality campaign in communities this type of fascist material seek to eliminate, exploit or oppress.

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