Friday, July 2, 2010

Electricity from generation to consumption - Part 1

While the bulk of trade today is largely through the physical transfer of cargo, electricity could provide a more powerful alternative in the “virtualisation” of trade. On the same note, “global electrification” could bring enormous economic and social benefits to developed and developing countries.

The world today has more pressure than ever to stabilize its climate impact from fossil fuel use, while meeting the energy demands as the world population that is estimated to approach 9 billion by 2030. The world today also has approriately 2 billion people who currently have no access to electricity. Imagine no electricity to read by night light, operate many appliances, participant in distance learning and a array of other activities that over 4 billions other humans utilize.

Today carbon dioxide emissions related to energy use are at a level of 28 Gt (Gigatonnes of CO2 per annum). This  represents 70 % of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Electricity generation represents almost half of this large number. In addition, electricity generation represents over 30% of total global fossil fuel use, which some estimate is  around 40 % of all energy-related CO2 emissions. The efficiency of the current generation processes are un impressive and the 9% lost during the transmission and distribution stages could also be improved.

Join us on a journey to improve the electricity process by reviewing the following to join in the collaborations;


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