Monday, December 27, 2010

Urban Youth - Just Dance 2

When it comes to dancing, urban youth got the moves, they just need room to do their best. In the youth development industry, professionals are reminded to let the youths' expression shine which includes finding  ways to turn their centers into a dance floor. With more than 40 hit pop and hip-hop songs re-recorded by youth, for youth, Just Dance Kids has the beats to get your youth moving.

Bigger youth can dance till they drop in Dance Party mode from one non-stop stream of songs, shake it to the rhythm to earn bonus points in Freeze and Shake mode and team up with their friends to jam the dance floor together.

For the younger ones, TV personalities like The Wiggles and Yo Gabba Gabba make getting involved as fun as tuning in to their favorite shows.

For parents, just imagine how you can now track how many calories they burn in this healthy game that never feels like exercise.

Whether you're moving like thunder as Michael Jackson showed in "Beat it"  or going on safari in "Surfin' USA," sometimes the best thing to do is — Just Dance. Get a copy here and save.

Consider your feet when exploring urban concrete

While exploring urban technology, a urban explorer spends a significant time traveling. Often the time is standing, climbing or just walking. Recently, I have noticed that my heals of my feet are causing me some pain when I wear certain shoes for more than four hours. So based on this painful experience the following items are posted as a means to relief.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Opportunity Display Units (ODU) for a urban job creation campaign

Commercial Digital Display Campaign using Digital Signage, In-Store TVs, Corporate Communications and  Command & Security Centers to provide local residents with information about work opportunities. This is not your traditional advertising and marketing displays which are welcome if they provide work opportunities to local residents.  In short, I need the publics help to provide insider feedback whether a campaign of this type would annoy residents or empower them. Please consider the following material as each purchase will contribute to the funding of the campaign. Thank you in advance for getting this concept a chance.

Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IV: 1-4 February 1993 San Jose, California (Proceedings of Spie)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Internet Equality for Urban areas because of Net Neutrality

Remember when President Obama was Senator Obama?

"Do we continue to allow lobbyists to veto our progress? Or do we finally put our national interests ahead of the special interests and address the concerns people feel over their jobs, their health care and their children's future?"

Sen. Barack Obama
September 03, 2007

Its was stated that if elected, Barack Obama planned to bar broadband providers like ATT and Comcast from prioritizing Internet content.

Net neutrality is the idea that broadband operators shouldn't be allowed to block or degrade Internet content and services--or charge content providers an extra fee for speedier delivery or more favorable placement.

Fortunately,  on Tuesday December 21, 2010, President Obama rightfully used the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to impose government controls over the "out-of-control" U.S. portion of the Internet.
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski's implementation of the long awaited and much needed  "net neutrality" regulations offers solace and hope that the White House will not be bullied by the Republicans controlled House of Representatives. The FCC will regulate the way Internet companies are allowed to do business in the same way that the agency regulated the out-of-control 19th-century technologies such as the telephone. In short, stop corporations from "unreasonable discrimination." After working for over 10 years for corporations that paid Republicans for non regulation, I personnally know that this milestone is critical because there are numerous significant examples that such discrimination has occured. Moreover, there is now promise that alleged free market would be incapable of silencing voices of victims in the future. Gain more insight by reading the following literture.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Coloring Urban landscape using Colormunki devices - not spray paint

The introduction of the ColorMunki, has intrigued many because of the features and the cost effective package . The spectrophotometer is capable of calibrating and profiling monitors as well as to create custom printer profiles. The the cost is the big issue for many photographers wanting the quality of the a similar pruduct like Eye One Photo. The basic packages start at about $1,200 and go upto $1,800, depending on which features and capabilities you need (RGB vs. CMYK profiling; scanner and camera profiling, etc.)ColorMunki Photo - Monitor, Printer & Projector Profiler

As a result, I recommend considering the following items when advancing color management intiatives;

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rooftop greenhouses the ultimate urban peaks

Living, working and socializing in Washington D.C. causes one to consider the environment on a daily basis. Today, I had the chance to notice a few “green” spaces but also plenty of unused space. Earlier this week, I noticed many homeless requesting food. I heard on the radio that grocery chains are charging 4 times more for groceries they still produces pollution and runoff that hurt the environment and our health. In my opinion and many others these problems could be addressed using greenhouse equipment modified with renewable energy systems. Basically,  to encourage the incorporation of community greenhouses in cities with renewable energy initiatives. The concept is pretty simple, take the unwanted and unused places in the urban environment and put them to good use by building greenhouses with solar, wind, geothermal and water energy generation or conservation methods. The food that is raised from the greenhouses could go towards helping to feed the homeless in the cities and to local community markets to generate internal revenue for the local economies to help the project and the community to be self sufficient.
For more information, please review the following references;


Energy Rating Systems accurate or speculative?

Personally, I would prefer a accurate reading since home ownership is the most costly asset of my adulthood. The issue is whether I can get a verifiable rating from the industry professionals (i.e. real estate agents, brokers, appraisers,  and energy auditors) that are the main benefactors if the unverifiable ratings are accepted. For more information regarding the speculative approach in practice today, please review the following references and share your opinions.

Home Energy Rating Systems (State Legislative Report (Denver, Colo.))

Energy-efficient mortgages and home energy rating systems ;: A report on nation's progress
Pilot states program report: Home energy rating systems and energy-efficient mortgages

Home energy rating system: Building energy simulation test (HERS BESTEST)

Linking home energy rating systems with energy efficiency financing: Progress on national and state programs

Friday, December 17, 2010

15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2021 seems low

The senate bill to implement a national renewable electricity standard was proposed in September 2010 and some believed it should be a stand-alone measure. Amongst the believers, Bingaman and Brownback introduced the stand-alone bill with 18 Democrats and two Republicans -- Susan Collins of Maine and John Ensign of Nevada -- co-sponsoring the legislation - S. 3813 (pdf). The bill would require utilities to source 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2021.

Share your opinions after reviewing the following references which includes some strong facts indicating 40% to 50% would be a more practical percentage considering the consequences impacting future generations.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Great Green Technology Cooperation (US - Israel)

Highlighting U.S.-Israel Research & Development Cooperation in Green Technology
Visit for full details.

The attendance reached 60 to 70 participants and the discussions ranged from economic development to public private partnership funding. For more on the movement the following resources are great knowledge assets.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Boosting your ICT skills and competencies

We all could use some help in boosting our ICT skills and competencies and the following material helped me during the economic downturn to demonstrate my capacity to:

* focus groups to deliver tangible business value
* conduct a thorough ICT assessment
* quantify company's business needs and issues
* develop and present your ICT strategy
* create an appropriate ICT organization
* gain credibility by delivering projects successfully
* budget more effectively and productively
* motivate and develop groups to be world class
* identify simple measurements to achieve more
* track and report ICT initiatives easily and effectively
* deal with difficult clients or problem partners
* find cost saving opportunities to help organizations
* communicate effectively with clients and partners
* , , ,
Knowledge sharing empowers All!


Victims of digital skimming beware of the media hype

It has been broadcasted from television stations in Memphis, Philadelphia and several other cities but when my highly respected relative started sending me emails about his concerns, I decided to explore the issue and share my opinions in an article. The risk of the digital scam in question has been around since 1968 when contactless cards technology was inferred as part of the allege smartcard movement.

Basically, credit, debit, ATM cards and some passports containing embedded RFID (radio frequency identification technology) chips pose potential risks of revealing personal information. (Read more)
