Friday, December 24, 2010

Internet Equality for Urban areas because of Net Neutrality

Remember when President Obama was Senator Obama?

"Do we continue to allow lobbyists to veto our progress? Or do we finally put our national interests ahead of the special interests and address the concerns people feel over their jobs, their health care and their children's future?"

Sen. Barack Obama
September 03, 2007

Its was stated that if elected, Barack Obama planned to bar broadband providers like ATT and Comcast from prioritizing Internet content.

Net neutrality is the idea that broadband operators shouldn't be allowed to block or degrade Internet content and services--or charge content providers an extra fee for speedier delivery or more favorable placement.

Fortunately,  on Tuesday December 21, 2010, President Obama rightfully used the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to impose government controls over the "out-of-control" U.S. portion of the Internet.
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski's implementation of the long awaited and much needed  "net neutrality" regulations offers solace and hope that the White House will not be bullied by the Republicans controlled House of Representatives. The FCC will regulate the way Internet companies are allowed to do business in the same way that the agency regulated the out-of-control 19th-century technologies such as the telephone. In short, stop corporations from "unreasonable discrimination." After working for over 10 years for corporations that paid Republicans for non regulation, I personnally know that this milestone is critical because there are numerous significant examples that such discrimination has occured. Moreover, there is now promise that alleged free market would be incapable of silencing voices of victims in the future. Gain more insight by reading the following literture.

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