Friday, December 23, 2011

Thinking fast and slow when childhoods are unequal

Challenging the rational model of judgment and decision making when unequal childhoods still exist has not changed our education system. If these books are written by our most important thinkers then we all can learn from the content. The ideas may come frrom interdesplinary fields —including economics, medicine, and politics—but whatever it takes lets consider for the sake of urban communities.

Happening in a urban classroom, community, or city near you!

No matter what you think you're saying, your words, gestures, and tone of voice can actually communicate something entirely different. Look for the signals when you are among friends and foes. Often, negative micromessages undermine morale, opportunities, and ultimately your health. In my opinion, micromessages can reveal a lot about our own insecurities. Learning how to constructively address these behaviors can bring about positive change. Young offers a common language for encouraging cruicial leadership skills and how to acquire them, universal cultural issues and ways to speak fairly, not falsely.  Enjoy the reading and share your comments about the ride.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Case Study Research about Leadership

My colleague argued that you can case study anything so I suggested leadership. I received an email today recommending this book. Stay tune for my findings!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Leadership in urban communities listening?

My Leadership for the Common Good course inspires me to ask urban leadership questions. The challenge is working on how to get them to listen and face the difficult converstations that surface when inspiring equity. The following are some of the literature that I have found helpful.
Listening: A Framework for Teaching Across Differences(Paperback)
by Katherine Schultz

Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most [Paperback] Douglas Stone (Author), Bruce Patton (Author), Sheila Heen (Author), Roger Fisher (Foreword)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Urban Leadership using diversity as power

Using diversity as power will be mandatory if society is to achieve prosperity and leadership will need to provide guidance. The guidance can start with good literture and users of that literture verifying the content of the books knowledge. If the following literture needs further verification then I will return your purchasing cost.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Our Power is in our Diversity - Stand together or Fall Alone?

Geraldine Brooks' "Nine Parts of Desire." and Author Ann Jones, are going to change the way women are treated and the world will be a better place when tjey do. Violence against women is violence against humanity and no traditional ultraconservative attitudes toward women or for that matter minorities should be tolerated. ..  Read Kabul in Winter and become part of the movement!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Derrick Bell a Diversity Leadership Legend

Derrick Bell In 1980 Bell became the first African American to ever head a non-black law school. He resigned several years later over a dispute about faculty diversity. Bell then taught at Stanford University for a year and returned to Harvard in 1986, where he staged a five-day sit-in in his office to protest the school's failure to grant tenure to two legal scholars on staff, that claimed legal institutions play a role in the maintenance of the ruling class' position. Bell's sit-in galvanized student support but sharply divided the faculty. Hiring practices at Harvard surfaced again in 1990, when he vowed to take an unpaid leave of absence until the school appointed a female of color to its tenured faculty. At the time, of the law school's 60 tenured professors, only three were black and five were women. The school had never had a black woman on the tenured staff.

To some observers, Bell's lament about Harvard amounted to a call for the school to lower its academic qualifications in the quest to mold a diversified faculty on the campus. But Bell argued that academically able faculty were being ignored and that critics of diversity invariably underplay the value of a faculty that is broadly reflective of society, and, more importantly, that the credentials demanded by institutions like Harvard perpetuate the domination of white, well-off, middle-aged men. He also argued that the system was self perpetuating. As he commented in the Boston Globe, "Let's look at a few qualifications--say civil rights experience ... that might allow [a chance at a tenured teaching position for] more folks here who, like me, maybe didn't go to the best law school but instead have made a real difference in the world."

Read more about a power example of Diversity Leadership;

How does Culture, Leadership and Organization mix?

I don't claim to have the answer but I'm advised from a professional in the domain of Leadership that the following is one of the best sources to clarify the integration of the three. Please share your view and opinions with others after reviewing the book.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Urban Technology need Strong Leadership!

Great book, says what it says, leadership for the common good is much needed in today's societies around the world. If you want to be leader or understand what leadership must look like to move continents forward, buy it, use it, live it. I'm enrolled in the class at Hubert Humphrey (HHH) and Barbara C. Crosby is the Best of the Best!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Progressive advice to be included in Teacher Education?

Since its publication date: November 18, 2010, Start Where You Are, But Don t Stay has been reported to address a crucial issue in teacher training and professional education. Basically, to prepare pre-service and in-service teachers for the racially diverse student populations in their classrooms. As a researcher of culture competency issues my interest in books that centers on case studies that exemplify the challenges, pitfalls, and opportunities facing teachers in diverse classrooms are extremely high. This book covers urban and suburban settings that include discussions about race and teaching in various schools. The author keeps a persistent attention to opportunity gaps that need to be fully grasped by teachers who aim to understand and promote the success of all students.

It will prove indispensable to culture liaisons, tutors, mentors, practitioners, teachers, administrators, and scholars alike.

Can ICT provide more opportunities for "Exceptional Lives"

So far, I find this book to be generally well written and the content comprehensive. The personal stories at the beginning of  each chapter are believable and help to make the material easier to understand. However, the layout of the book could be changed and improved with the help of ICT enabled features. The book content is constantly interrupted with sidebars, inserts and margin tips all over the pages. Unfortunately, this is a concept that is all too common in modern textbooks. In my opinion a ICT enabled support system would would provide readers a much more engaging experience. Perhaps that is the intent of the access to an online learning lab-- Well, my colleague and I found no access code anywhere on the book or in the packaging. The book is still exceptional just in print but more opportunities could be unleashed if the ICT enabled features were included in the over $100 fee. If Mrs. Vance (my 4th grade elementary teacher) could have used this material, perhaps she would have been better prepared to work with students like myself instead of blaming us for her deficit thinking approaches to educating low-income students.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Having the pleasure of meeting one of the best female bowlers.

While working in Shaw and assisting adults with developing blogs related to their urban experiences, I have had the pleasure of meeting a female bowler. As if this was not enough, she also humbles my bowling capacity while also exceed my sporting histroy knowledge. Fortunately, she is a great woman that share her knowledge with others via a blog.

For those males unable to believe "hertory", then read about in the image below and weep!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Internet Access for All!

Why are we being left behind? Nationally, it might be difficult to get total support for laws that would make Internet access a human right. Locally, in Washington, D.C., the challenge is even greater. However, internationally, this view is shared by the United Nations, which is making a big push to deem Internet access a human right.

In June 2009, I was actually relieved that France's highest court declared Internet access a human right as reported by the UK Daily Mail. In August of the same year, it was reported that the United States is the only industrialized nation without a national policy to promote high-speed broadband, according to various studies released by the Communications Workers of America.

Continue reading on Internet access as a human right in the US! - Washington DC Urban Technology |

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Finding the Bible for eReaders...

Enjoy... Share your opinion about the features that are most useful..

How would Jude Deveraux handle urban life?

How would Jude Deveraux writting style work in the urban communities where there is more concert and electronics then there are birds and bees?

Get the books and share your views?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Reducing a 25 percent unemployment rate in Ward 8.

While driving into the District and listening to the radio, I heard Mayor Vincent Gray state that the 25% unemployment rate in Ward 8 will be reduced by the jobs created by the pending Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) new headquarters.

According to the National Capital Planning Commission, the construction phase of the plan will result in the redevelopment of the 176-acre West Campus and a portion of the 280-acre East Campus of the St. Elizabeths Hospital in southeast Washington, D.C.

Yet so far, as the City Paper on March 11 reported, the massive West Campus construction phase of the $3.4 billion Department of Homeland Security project has employed DC residents as new hires at a rate of only 35.4%. This is far below the 51 percent hire rate required by the First Source program. Donald Temple, a civil rights attorney, told, “You can’t build a [$3.4 billion] project in this community and then tell us that we can’t participate in the benefits of that. This is not South Africa and apartheid. This is Washington, D.C…”

Continue reading on
Reducing a 25 percent unemployment rate in Ward 8. -
Washington DC Urban Technology

Best task chair for the urban digital lifestyle writers

Get the last two and continue comfortably doing what you do!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Gerald A. Lawson: Video Game Legend

On Thursday, April 14, 2011, while facilitating my Digital Media Literacy-E3D class in Washington, D.C., one of my male bloggers began speaking aloud while reading and posting. “Patrick, I did not know a black man created the first home video game system with interchangeable game cartridges.”

Within the next few days, I received a call from my male cousin stating almost the exact same thing. He added that I should write an article because not many people know about this fact. His work help launch Atari like companies to a new level which is evident from the among of video games that was sold since his concept was releashed. Sadly, heaven has called another self-taught engineer back home. (Read more)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Superintelligence - fixes our urban challenges?

The possibility of superhuman intelligence is most frequently discussed in the context of artificial intelligence. Increasing natural intelligence primarily through genetic engineering or computer interfacing. Many consider collective intelligence - urban community thinking collectively - as a pathway to superintelligence or even as an existing realization of the phenomenon.

Unfortunately, this approach is not taken seriously because many view superintelligence as a hypothetical entity which possesses intelligence surpassing that of any existing human being - but no real consideration has been given to a group of human beings. What is your opinion? Will it take "Superintelligence" to rid the world of racism, poverty and other social, economical, and educational ills?


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fair or unfair: more cameras, more safety, more traffic tickets!

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's report - - finds red light cameras cut fatal crashes, but do not eliminate them. Basically the fuzzy logic used in the report implies that red-light cameras are helping certain drivers remember that red means stop. But whether you remember or not, you will get a ticket in the mail or, in some cases, by a police officer assigned (unluckily for you) to your location.

Continue reading on Fair or unfair: more cameras, more safety, more traffic tickets! - Washington DC Urban Technology |

Public Safety-Law Enforcement Technology: 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida (Proceedings of Spie--the International Society for Optical Engineering, V. 2497.)

PhantomALERT Red Light Camera, Speed Camera, and Speed Trap Detector Software for Select Garmin, TomTom, and Magellan GPS (1-Year Download Subscription)

Monday, March 14, 2011

CompTIA - Upgrade Wanted

Urban Unemployment Rate has not improved due to the endless among of books relating to the CompTIA assessments and certification.  The following books are cheaper than the urban workforce development programs but are they enough to get you a job?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Marshall McLuhan: A futurist, psychic, thought leader, fortune teller?

Over 20 years of my information communication technology (ICT) career has been fueled by the writtings of  Marshall McLuhan and yet his material seems like it was written yesterday. He had a gift to write and speak in the moment (i.e. past, present and future). "We are all robots when uncritically involved with our technologies." Imagine being haunted by your enemy which is a digital equivalent of yourself.  His material challenges whether humans has evolved beyond Darwin's limited concept of biological evolution, and whether our digital technology will utilmately evolve beyond us. I have always excepted the computer being as an extension of my nervous system, which should be mastered to senses the whole world. Paragraphs like "Unlike the animals, man has no nature but his own history. Electronically, this total history is now potentially present in a kind of simultaneous transparency that carries us into a world of what Joyce calls 'heliotropic noughttime.' We have been rapt in 'the artifice of eternity' by placing our nervous system around the entire globe." speaks directly to your person if your are open to listening. Tired of wondering why you think life sucks? There is some healing balm within these wriitng and its waiting to be found.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

11th Street Bridge Project is a $300 MILLION DOLLAR project

How much of this project would include technology to improve public safety and security? If you have any insight regarding the number of local jobs created and sustained in the community as a result of this project please post a comment. In fact, if you are aware of any technology being utilized for this project that warrant additional reporting please post comment and resources can be allocated to report progress to visiters. The following survey and flyer are circulated around District of Columbia, leave a comment if you have noteworthy information.

Wolverine PASS verse VuPoint Magic Wand

The previous post launched a full fledge feature comparison in the Shaw urban neighborhood! Read the full story at

Be sure to click on the slideshow to see the column by column comparison!

Other products by Wolverine includes;

Monday, February 21, 2011

VuPoint Magic Wand for the weary hand

In digital imaging, an image scanner—often abbreviated to just scanner— is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or even an object, and converts it to a digital image. Personally, scanners have always been helpful when I wanted to copy important document, a resume from a friend, an article from a magazine or other objects or interest. Common examples of what I found in my twenty three years of ICT experience are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner where the document is placed on a glass window for scanning. In some cases, the 3D scanners are used for industrial design, test and measurement, orthotics, gaming, animation, engineering, and other applications. Basically, mechanically driven scanners that move the large-format document where a flatbed design would be impractical.
Magic Wand Portable Scanner Kit

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Urban digital polluters clean up after yourself!

As an advocate for technological advancement, I’m constantly criticized about the harm machines do to our planet. Just recently, as I was talking to someone at a conference in Washington, DC about digital technology being the wave of the future, this person response sounded like the concerns I hear more and more frequently. “What about the pollution? What about the toxins in our water supply? What are we going to do with all that waste metal? ... (Read more)


The Economics of Electronics Recycling: New Approaches to Extended Producer Responsibility

High Tech Trash: Digital Devices, Hidden Toxics, and Human Health

Recycling of Electronic Waste II: Proceedings of the Second Symposium

Recycling Electrical and Electronic Equipment 4: Conference Proceedings, 6-7 November 2001

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No more out-of-control US portion of the Internet

On Tuesday, December 21, 2010, President Obama strategically used the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to impose some government control over the “out-of-control” United States’ portion of the Internet. Julius... (Read More)



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Leadership to prepare for future workforce and workplace needs

Human resources professionals are naturally concerned about recruitment challenges and based  on latest trends urban workforce is not prepared. Who do you  prepare for future workforce and workplace needs and advise senior leaders regarding appropriate strategies?  Those senior executives are also beginning to wake up and smell the trends. The following may provide insights that will empower all to lead more sustainable organizations.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Omega Psi Phi Centennial Celebration in Urban Areas (Update)

Urban Graduate Chapter with a big event for  Omega Psi Phi Big Year. Comment if you plan to attend!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The pros and cons of playing with a Kindle DX

Are you considering purchasing a Kindle DX from Amazon or giving one as a gift? Well, a very good friend of mine recently received a Kindle DX as a birthday gift, and she has been sharing her excitement with me. In addition to my friend, it seems like I have started to run into a lot of Washington, D.C. Kindle DX owners – a huge spurt in ownership compared to the tepid response to the Kindle 2, which arrived in February 2009. So what makes the Kindle DX so different and worthy of excitement?

Continue reading on Washington DC Urban Technology

Saturday, January 15, 2011

IBM's Watson needs real human questions to answer!

February 14, 2011 will include time with IBM's Watson.
The event is coined "Computer System vs. Quiz Show "
Basically,  Jeopardy! - popular quiz show - that is known for the unique challenges it poses to its contestants based on puns, metaphors, and slang in questions.

Jeopardy! questions cover categories taken from Science, History, Pop Culture, Literature, Geography,  The Oscars, Literary Characters, Word Origins,  U.S. Presidents, Before & After, Rhyme Time, Stupid Answers, and Name's the Same.

Watson is suppose to represents the latest in a long line of groundbreaking innovations that will impact the way humans communicate with computers in the near future.

When the  IBM computing system can actually understand the complexities of human communication (i.e. language, racism, capitalism, poverity, hate, crime, unemployment) and return a single, precise answer to a question or a solution to a challenge then humanity can celebrate, not just the IBMers getting the funds.
Share your unanswered questions via comments so IBMers can get inside voices sharing issues from the urban communites.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

CES 2011 Unleashed trends

Unleashed in the underground journalist network covering CES 2011, T-Mobile will be hosting a 4G-themed press event where audiences are expected to hear more about its plans to boost “theoretical” speeds to 42Mbps in 2011. There was also rumors that Sprint will unveil the HTC Shift, a 4G-capable slider. On the AT&T front, their newly purchased 700-MHz spectrum from Qualcomm will be integrated with its 4G downlink. AT&T needs major help in catching up to Verizon with its LTE deployment.

The first 4G LTE modem for Verizon Wireless was a tease, the carrier advanced its flirting techniques when it tweeted the following message: “Android and LTE – could it be like peanut butter and chocolate? YUM!” Sounds flirtatious indeed, especially if Android means both smart phone and tablet Androids. The service with the technology is bit high (i.e. provider charges $20 for 2GB of data on top of your smart phone plan)but that will change as competition in the segment increase.


Unfortunately, 3DTVs didn’t fly off the shelves in 2010 because the content market could not keep pace. The accessories including 3D glasses are expensive. They’re also not very fashionable to wear. But this will change as consumers demand more features and functions. No one can  really say who will lead the market, but the market will grow and eventually include  glasses-free 3D. This technology likely won’t enter the living room for a while, but the Nintendo 3DS is just one example of why glasses-free 3D could work well when there’s just one viewer. Notebooks, smart phones, and tablets are all prime candidates for a more immersive movie watching and mobile gaming experience.

We do not hear much these days because they are not MSI something new in the netbook space, but we certainly had some interesting to see them again at CES 2011, according to their latest announcement. There will be two “smart” pills WinPad debut with the Wintel platform and Android and sports g-sensor, light sensors and WiFi. With regard to compressed MSI Android, last we heard, there …

LG has announced that they would see what they call the largest in the world LED 3D TV at CES 2011, LG LZ9700, which has a large 72-inch screen. LZ9700 The LG is the world’s largest 3D LCD backlit, has a refresh rate of 400 MHz, DLNA, Media Link, USB, plus one Magic Motion remotely. LG has unveiled what is certainly the first of many TV LED 3D processing. LX9500 is illuminated by the LED …

Fujifilm has announced a new line of super-zoom cameras on the bridge in the company, AOS S-Series lineup at CES 2011, including the new Fujifilm FinePix S3200, S3300, S3400 and S4000, S2950 and FinePix 18X. All five cameras have 14-megapixel CCD, 3-inch display screen and can record 30 frames per second in 720p HD video. The S3200 has a 24x optical zoom, the S3300 has a 26x, 28x and …

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Local Simulcast venue closes, taking 200 work opportunities with it.

Simulcast horse racing refers to watching broadcasts, mostly live, sometimes delayed, from tracks from all over the world. This ICT oriented offering, allows audiences to see live thoroughbred horse racing events being held in North America, South (Read More)...

An option for workforce-readiness skills and technology training

Elevate America provides a collection of free and low-cost training and resources. A wide variety of training and resources are available to anyone through their Elevate America web site. The site is promoted as part of Microsoft (Read more)...


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 International CES®.

Looking forward to seeing old contacts in Vegas for a few days.

To reduce environmental footprint and due to media feedback, the LVCC press room will only house electronic exhibitor press kits. Exhibitors are instructed to bring in a one page spec sheet in addition to an electronic format of choice; including USB, CDs or hosting online.

When chosing electronic press, remember that press kits are a one-stop source for the media and the public to get information about companies and products.

For mailing communication to the convention center, I recommend using the following;
Press Kit Mailing Address
Las Vegas Convention Center
2010 International CES
c/o GES Exposition Services
Exhibitor Name
Deliver To: PRESS ROOM, S229
Las Vegas Convention Center
3150 Paradise Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Phone: 703‐907‐7603

Please share your CES Special Events/Celebrity Appearances with UTE readers. If your company is planning a special concert with a popular chart-topper? How about an autograph session with Hollywood royalty or a product demonstration with a sports legend? If so, let us know!

Small Business Call Out are always a big hit at CES. Itis a great place for small businesses to make a big splash and get noticed. CNET editors are involved again this year working with CEA to highlight companies with extremely innovative NEW products for the 2011 CES. If you are a small business - with revenue under $30 million, please contact UTE. A short product description and bio about your company/founder and you will selected for coverage in UTE media network. Don’t miss this opportunity to start the buzz days before future CES like shows opens!

Newsworthy electronics that would lead the event attractions;